Monday, October 05, 2009

Safe Zone Violations

I just read an interesting article about "safe zone violations" on the National Review site.

I didn't realize that a number of sports writers are interjecting their political views into their sports articles. I agree with the author, Jay Nordlinger, that this is really inappropriate. Nordlinger bemoans the fact that "safe zones," spheres free of partisan politics, are diminishing in our current political climate. Politics is dominating more and more of our public life. One of the positive things about sports is that people within a certain geographical area can come together in support of a common cause. Adding politics to the mix can undermine the sense of community that flows from the love of sports. The article focuses largely on attacks on Republican or conservative politics and ideas, although I suspect that (somewhere!) there are attacks on Dems and the left. Frankly, I don't care who is guilty of it. It shouldn't happen, period. I'm not sure how to stop it, except to complain to the newspapers or magazines that carry the articles. An appeal to the writer to use common decency would probably fail.

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